Accessible Properties celebrates two years in Tauranga

Development currently underway at 878 Cameron Road.

On 1 April Accessible Properties (APNZL) celebrated two years since taking over the majority of Tauranga’s former Housing New Zealand portfolio.

APNZL is proud to say that in these two years we have worked to grow the community housing available in Tauranga and build strong relationships with our tenants.

“In 2017 we made a commitment to improve and grow the public housing available in the Tauranga region, while at the same time going beyond providing just bricks and mortar,” says Greg Orchard, APNZL Chief Executive.

“As a Community Housing Provider we want to provide a place for our tenants to belong and thrive.”

APNZL is currently providing 1142 warm, dry, safe homes to approximately 3,500 people in Tauranga. There are projects underway to build 44 more homes in the region and a commitment to build another 125 homes beyond these. In addition, we are continually working to improve the quality of the housing we provide.

APNZL is committed to building partnerships in Tauranga with local Iwi, social change agents like the Good Neighbours Trust, as well as local and central government agencies, to connect tenants with supports that help them achieve their aspirations.

“We want the best outcomes for our tenants and we are keen to work with organisations and agencies to support community initiatives that make a difference in people’s lives,” says Vicki McLaren, Accessible Properties GM Tauranga.

Initiatives such as partnering with local Moana Iwi, Ngai Te Rangi, to deliver a 12-month pilot working with families impacted by methamphetamine, Whānau (family) Support Service – ‘He Kokonga Ngakau’. This pilot hopes to deliver practical support to people wanting to improve their health and wellbeing and confront issues with methamphetamine in their community.

We are also working with The Peoples Project in Tauranga to explore how we can support the ‘Housing First’ programme for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

“For many people the stabilising influence of a warm, dry, secure home lets them focus on their future and empowers them to make a positive contribution to their wider community,” says Vicki.

However, with Tauranga’s incredibly high demand for public housing and the number of people on the public housing waitlist increasing, APNZL knows more work is needed to help ease the pressure on Tauranga’s housing sector.

The Government provides operating supplements to help Community Housing Providers like APNZL construct new public housing in greater numbers.

“As a Community Housing Provider we are well placed to work alongside government to deliver more affordable homes,” says Greg.

“And importantly any public funds contributed by government stay in the public housing system and are recirculated over time – providing more affordable homes into the future.

“But unfortunately the funding currently available, and the Government’s new public housing supply targets fall well short of what is required to meet the high level of demand in the region,” says Greg.

“We want to do more to grow the number of homes we have available in Tauranga and remain committed to playing an important role in solving Tauranga’s housing shortage by providing warm, dry, secure homes and ensuring individuals and families have a place to belong and thrive.”

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